In this entry I will be summarizing my first 3 days of my participation in GameDevHq’s program to learn the skills to be a more fully fledged game developer.
Day 1:
With the first day came the setup in establishing the proper online resources needed to get my work out there and show what I can do. This included updating some of the my already existing portfolio sites such as my GitHub and LinkedIn which can be found here:
I also established my blog here on Medium as well as developing a portfolio site on Wordpress that can be found at :
However at the time of this writing my Wordpress portfolio blog is still a work in progress and I still have to upload example work materials to the site. I will be providing some updates on here as it develops.
Day 2:
The second day of participation involved starting the actual course work provided by GameDevHq. For my starting project I went with their 2D game development course which involves creating a simple space shooter game in the Unity game engine.
I have worked with Unity multiple times in the past so this course is acting as a good refresher for some of the terms and methods for basic C# coding for a Unity project. In that day I was able to get through the prototyping stage where the basic mechanics of the game were tested and implemented. The next goal when I resume the project will be to implement higher fidelity assets that were provided with the course and to implement more mechanics to the game.
Day 3:
This brings us to current day, at least at the time that I am writing this, where I took a quick break from the 2D project to get to know how to use version control software a bit better through GameDevHq’s Git Crash Course. In the past I have used a few different methods of version controllers and version control repositories the two main ones being using Unity’s Collab function and Github but I had never used Git extensively. This course was very informative in the basics of using the software and how to get it working alongside both GitHub and Unity. With Git being a widely used version controller I can see the skills I learned being applicable to more projects going forward.
Additionally I started on their C# survival guide to do a quick run through of the basics to test what I already know and hopefully to pick up some new tricks that I didn’t know previously.